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a message from the creator of bleyworld
In a way, this website is like my preemptive tombstone.
The epitaph, then, instead of a short phrase, sentence or quote, is a lifetime of art. pokes out somewhere in the weeds at the back of the internet…waiting for someone to stumble over it someday, long after I have suffered some kind of shitty fate which leaves me unable to ever again speak for myself, let alone create anything. If you look around, you’ll notice the site is designed for such a level of obscurity: no social media presence (at least, not in any sense typically expected of an artist), no discussion threads nor anywhere to instantly leave a public comment. I’ve received feedback that itself is confusing to navigate in its current configuration. In regard to my inclusion below of a newspaper article about a poetry award I won as a teenager, I was even told by one visitor to “get over myself”.
Addressing the latter, I found the comment especially baffling given a pervasive social climate that supposedly celebrates everyone, and tells people they should be constantly celebrating themselves. This is a largely archival site of one artist’s (my) life’s work. I have and will continue to include every relevant piece of media and material to that end. Aside from the hosting platforms on which is built and its content stored, all that is required for it to exist are my continued creative output and the time I choose to invest in it.
As to the confusion about the site, it is admittedly understandable, at least from the perspective of the average consumer-minded platform-scrolling individual. From that same perspective, I also understand any incredulity at my lack of interest in posting my content to any of the top “free” platforms. I gather that, for many, to somehow benefit from the global reach of those platforms is seen as guaranteed, automatic. Well, I’ve been there, tried that, and found it alienating, soulless, and far more hassle than it’s worth. Philosophically and socially, the sense of community these platforms purport to create is, simply put, not one I would like to contribute to.
Furthermore, my experience is that people are infinitely more likely to promote, like, share, repost or comment on literally any other content posted to the internet than mine, from that of massive global celebrities who don’t need more promotion, to random individuals who have been turned into celebrities despite their glaring mediocrity and marginal talent. Platform participation is also highly questionable in terms of ownership rights where content and data are concerned. A closer examination of the fine print—of the tradeoff costs both legal and artistic—often reveals these platforms as not truly free at all.
It would be, in my view, a poor use of our precious time for me to fully articulate—especially if I am to achieve anything remotely resembling brevity in this message—why the usual artist stereotypes are antithetical to everything I embody as a creator. The earnest, palatable self-marketing artist…the self-important self-appointed sociopolitical guru artist…these are a dime a dozen. However, instead of a stereotype, there is an appropriate archetype: Proteus. Not being big on mythology, let alone that specifically of the Greeks, I nonetheless find great meaning for myself in the character dubbed (by Homer) the Old Man of the Sea.
I haven’t the remotest inclination toward being a celebrity or role model, and I claim sole sovereignty in determining how public my figure is. If you can capture me, by which I mean, come into my world already prepared to keep up, I will keep nothing from you. If not, I will change form, or trajectory, or tactics, in order to avoid having the purely experiential intentions of my work smothered and homogenized by tidy, boring explanation. My primary (and possibly only) objective is to create and, subsequently, to set those creations free.
Therefore, if explanation must be made: this is about the art and nothing but the art. Full stop.
This is not to say I think my art is amazing. Not a single example of my writing, painting or music qualifies as remotely important or consequential, and all of my work is, arguably, imperfect. Some of it I wouldn't even call good. But, I live and die to make it. I know, particularly based on organic, real-world reactions and feedback over the past twenty years, that what I do has proven worthwhile and been enjoyed by many. While ideas continue to burn within me at the same intensity as when I was young, so continues my light to shine through every project, every sight sound and sentence. I persist for you, whoever you are, and—absent any audience—I’d continue to do it just for me. I’m not sure I could force myself to quit, but I have yet to identify one good reason to do so. Not making a living from this certainly doesn’t factor into it.
The bitter-tasting disclaimer here, then, is this: like the oceans to Proteus, bleyworld is myworld. Remember the rhyme and you likely won’t forget the name. bleyworld doesn’t start and stop for anyone’s narrow tastes, pretentious jeers, or short attention spans. Whether you can’t quite make out what this is, or you firmly believe you can pin it down, or any shade between, it remains. I do not agree that providing clarity is part of my job. I do not agree that I must pidgeonhole myself—for example, branding my very existence by building an unneccessary, superficial association in the public consciousness between my work and my face—in order to be considered an artist worth a look, a listen, or a read.
Utter isolation is not at all the intent; There are points of direct contact scattered throughout the site, and anyone is welcome to seek, find, and use them. However, if you’re bothered by that lack of “community”—which here acts as a levvy against the flood of ignorance perpetually sweeping through almost every other corner of the internet—then go back to facebook, instagram, twitter, reddit…wherever the masses come together under the irresponsible myth that all voices deserve a forum and all viewpoints are valid and valuable. This website is not one of those places.
Welcome to bleyworld.
press & comments
some public commentary re: this article
the comments below appear exactly as originally posted to (online domain of the Colorado Springs Independent newspaper):
"My kid could paint that. He's 40. Yes, he COULD paint that, but WOULD he? Never. When he paints, he paints with the logic and dignity that an achieved adulthood has endowed him. He's a man. A mensch. He bench presses.
This Bley guy doesn’t even floss, I bet.
Why did I read this article? Because I read the local papers. I trust that you make news of the newsworthy. I was wrong this time."
"Judging by his artwork, this being is beautiful in the same sense that the Special Olympics is beautiful; you just want to clap & yell, "Way to go! Never give up!"
(the above reference to a beautiful being comes from the only comment not deleted from the article, which said “Who is this beautiful being?”)
"Colorado Springs...just TRY to have some taste once in a while, you fucking jogging hillbillies. This guy sounds like a Adult ADD meme that won a Skechers sponsorship raffle.
He’s a generic bohemian jack of all no-talent fop-tard.
What the fuck is wrong with your senses and mind, CS? Learn to like good things and avoid hugging shit abortions."
other things that have been said about bley
“I never heard anyone walking away from one of his shows saying ‘well, that was a waste of time’.”
—Spencer Galan
Kalamazoo, Michigan
“…a true original.”
—Matthew Powell
kettle bell master
Kalamazoo, Michigan
“This guy is phenomenal. Why aren’t there more people here?”
Kelly Bubach
former owner, Urban Steam
Colorado Springs, Colorado
from the 2020 Sewanee School of Letters brochure — pictured giving a live reading of a radio drama
from a mid-2010 edition of Kalamazoo NOISE! magazine (now defunct)
from a 2014 special edition of the Colorado Springs Independent newspaper — pictured performing at The Wild Goose Meeting House
from the 1999 Kalamazoo Literary Awards (as presented by the Kalamazoo Gazette newspaper)
actually wrote this article about me in 2001,
in the course of his work for an actual newspaper,
and they actually published it.
I include the article here and mention him due to his more or less unconditional support for me and my art, especially in my worst of times. He did not only help to shape who I’ve become; he is one of a very small handful of human beings who have positively influenced my choice to continue living on this planet, to express my talents in whatever ways I am able, and damn the roadblocks.
Aside from his straight journalism, nonfiction, speechwriting for the Canadian government, and other professional work, Grandpa was also an old-school comedy writer (The Beverly Hillbillies, Bob Hope) and was influential in the careers of some of the most famous musicians and actors of the 20th century (Marilyn Monroe, Conway Twitty). He preferred to stay behind the scenes, though. From time to time, that station involved lending a hand, or a shoulder, or clean clothes and coffee, to the celebrities and artists he called friends, at their lowest moments.
In 2007, a few months after my last psychiatric hospitalization, he took me to my first ever stand-up comedy show (Canadian comic Ron James), forever after which I did not merely consume but practically studied stand-up. One of my favorite things about comics is when they’re honest about their misery and their flaws, make jokes at their own expense and take shit from others, then turn it all around to bring the joy of laughter to their audiences. Conversely, they are usually brilliant at utterly demolishing the criticism leveled at them.
So, for me, rediscovering this article—including the ridiculous things Grandpa said about me in between so many compliments—was good for more than just a healthy laugh. It was also a welcome reminder of a guy who, in life, always more or less encouraged me do my thing…even when he didn’t particularly like one of my songs or a piece of my writing, and even when my thing was farther out there than his somewhat straight-laced industry-minded tastes. He taught me humility by example…like the humility required to take a joke, to be productively self-critical, and to be satisfied with being more or less a “nobody”.
except in rare instances, all content appearing on this site—as well as on official bleyworld profiles hosted by other sites—is the sole intellectual property and creation of c. charles bley and, as such, is considered © 1983-2024. any borrowed, sampled, or collaborative content will be attributed appropriately
if you exhibit, broadcast, reproduce, reprint, sample or perform any content from or external bleyworld profiles, you agree to do so within the provisions of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Deed.
this creative commons (CC) license includes the expectation of attribution and non-commercial use
the appellation Uzi Café, its derivatives uzicafe, Uzi Café Films, and Uzi Café Press, and references to the original iteration of web domain (owned 2010-2020 by c. charles bley) may appear in content on or affiliated profiles
bleyworld, llc assumes ownership of any and all such content, and asserts sole user rights over the names Uzi Café Films, Uzi Café Press and uzicafemusic
bleyworld is not affiliated with any Uzi Café-branded content which is not and cannot be expressly attributed to c. charles bley
direct all official enquiries and legal notices here:
bleyworld, llc
OKEMOS, MI 48864
not necessarily legal
but nonetheless necessary
the unified entities bleyworld and c. charles bley emphatically reject and publicly stand against a myriad of fuckeries, including:
sexism; sexual slavery; sexual violence; general violence; any slavery; racism; colonialism; xenophobia; homophobia; transphobia; gender ignorance; fascistic ideologies; corruption; environmental irresponsibility; exploitation of the third world; mistreatment of the homeless, mentally ill and cognitively impaired; unjust policing, prosecution and incarceration; disparity in healthcare and education; greed; dishonesty; consumerism; bullying; unchecked privilege; social divisiveness based on personal taste; style masquerading as substance; willful ignorance on the part of any sentient life form; and more
bleyworld welcomes self awareness, global awareness, thoughtful conversation, intelligent criticism, civil disagreement, spirited debate, and carefully measured progress toward the undoing of the old ways
conversely, as a multidisciplinary artist, c. charles bley advocates for the near-total freedom of artistic creation, as well as unbridled comedy—making light of dark things, self-deprecation, sarcasm, and other elements of humor which are notorious for being offensive
bleyworld advocates for the free and responsible use of psychadelic substances for purposes including recreation, creativity, and healing.
visitors to this site who cannot at minimum acquiesce to the preceding statements are compelled by bleyworld code to voluntarily evacuate themselves from
aside from that, visitors are free to:
experience and interpret their time in bleyworld any way they like, and
send comments directly to c. charles bley—click below